Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hi Prof.D Lauro
Two classes ago when we prepared to write for the last essay, you gave us a list with of words that you were tired of reading and said that you already know more about every one that you want to know. I thought," How do you know that?" Now I understand, because all the students had written about themselves in the blog. Now is my turn to write about myself. I really don't enjoy talking or writing about myself.
I like to read books when I have spare time.There was a time when I did not have any books in Russian and couldn't read English. It was tough time. The passion for reading motivated me to read in English. The very first full book that I read was a book written by Janet Evanovich,"One for the Money". I bought the entire series . I like her style of writing. Janet Evanovich has written many others books with co-authors, but I think that she is repeating herself.But my favorite books forever are "Gone With the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell and "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austin.The language that was used in the writing is very different from the language that we speak now. It was difficult for me to read. I was reading with a dictionary.I already knew these books from reading in my native language, that helped me to understand the stoties of books.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard good things about that series.